Pitfalls of Blogging

Have you ever faced with the problem of your writings/posts misrepresented in internet sites? Have there been instances of unknown people quoting your name and comments added to a particular article or blog, in their own blogs without your knowledge and with changes made by them to suit their purpose? I think this is one problem that I’ve been facing for sometime now in my blog experience. What solutions are available and what actions can be taken in such instances in web forums and blogs? Share your views and experiences.


Unknown said…
Well, unless one specifically claims copyright on his/her work, there isn't much he/she can do to prevent this. One can get a Creative Commons License to get legal protection for his/her blog. Visit creativecommons.org for details.
zero said…
all great people have been misquoted and misunderstood. no one would actually get what we mean.
zero said…
whatever a person writes he/she shall have copyright to it. copyright comes automatically with the production of a work.

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