With Love,

Poem by G. Sasi (1959-2002)

You said that black is beautiful
Poets have sung it
How did the black people get humiliated?
We are not the ones who suck blood and sweat
We are melting…
The blazing sun and the burning earth
Are not tending us

There is no space for the black people
To hide in your wings
We are being thrown out
Oh mother Kali!
Your neck has been ornamented
By whose heads?
When you quench your anger
By sucking blood
On whose headless body are you standing?

Don’t say for the sake of saying
That black is beautiful…
Don’t sing,
Black is the seed of riot in the self
Mountain of turbulence
Shadow of suffering
The color of love

(Translated from Malayalam by Sreekala Sivasankaran)

G. Sasi was born in 1959 in Madhuraveli, Kottayam district of Kerala . His parents Gopalan and Kuttippennu worked as coolies and they lived in the Ayamkudi slum colony. Sasi, after completing his school education went to college but could not continue the studies. His poems were published in Malayalam in Dynamic Action, Adhasthitha Navodhana Munnani Bulletin, Yukthi Rekha, Samakaleena Kavitha, Manorajyam etc. Falling prey to a bout of deep depression, G. Sasi committed suicide in his house in the Ayamkudi slum in 2002. Collection of his poems, “Balikkakka” was published in 2001.


Rajbir Parashar said…
Sree, I am intensely touched by this tribute to the poet.Difficult to reconcile, 'with love' is quite lovable with simple truths and ideas. Thanks for putting it here. Brief introduction of the poet will be helpful for readers like me. Raj
Hey Friend, the world will never reward blackness ... Obama is an exception.. Sorry, soumini could'nt be,
a brief bionote added; thanks for your reading and responses,Raj, as always,
Hello, Friends and Foes..
Unknown said…
Barack Obama made it! The youth of America made it happen!! We shall continue to attack American imperialism in the coming days but this moment is historic, indeed.
sree,I am wondering about this post
I have posted an article
Let us hope Obama really befriends the aspirations and hopes expected of him... I am not an optimist in his case. The devastating Presidency he is inheriting from, still i think it is hopes that elected him, and despair is 'weeping' in its classical elegiac style ...
Unknown said…


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