
between the mountains
black tuberoses blooming
between day and night
distance or closeness?


Unknown said…
amazing! the shorter passage does as good as or even better than the longer one!! my musing remains the same,

'Las Dos Fridas'

Rajbir Parashar said…
Sree,I was earlier aware of Frida as a painter very dimly, for her place in surrealistic art, and her subjective world which was full of boldness in many ways, including her notions and practice of sexuality.This painting to me seems deeply symbolic --- multilayred like your own lines which are complementing the landscapre around as well as the mind and mood of the painter-persona here. Both, the poem and the painting appeal to me, because there is an urge of mutuality and companionship, not visible in the landscape in any human form. Also, a metaphorical evoking of the dicotomy of spirit and body seem their common feature. Its 'fertility' connotation is also there in the sprouting of the non-human from the human. Nice to have both together.
Raj, from what I’ve known of Frida’s work, I’ve always felt that the medium of painting, in her hands, became so transparent and intensively communicative of the pain and suffering which she went through most of her life and her courageous self-portraits are something which words cannot accomplish so easily; may be, words will never do however we try. So intriguing to me are her intense engagement with the fixed and the flowing, nature and selves…the visible and the invisible.

Here is a link of Carlos Fuentes on Frida Kahlo.


@ Af, pleasantly surprising is your ‘re-appearance’ on this page!!
Unknown said…
Fuentes is dodgy. What is to make out of that ‘superficial communist’? And the need of the feminist movement for an icon marketing Frida worldwide? What about the Che picture cards, bookmarks and table mats marketed world over?

Market is out there to appropriate everything around .. how could Frida escape it ? she is a different kind of wooman -- even in The Root -- she is possessed by the void she felt so intensely at physical and spiritual level.
Anonymous said…
....there is not even an iota of void in Frida. She is full of pain in colour. It fills all the blank spaces, and spills all over. What makes her, makes her painting too. She is her painting. I love her painting for its damn truthfullness of being.

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