"Words do not contain anything"

Aloke Roy (1939-2004), a pioneer in the post-independence India to use mime as a medium for theatre campaigns. He founded the Jagran theatre for the slum dwellers in Delhi.
(Portrait by Samkutty Pattomkary)


It is very difficult to define the time i have spent with him. It is very difficult to define his personility but i cherish all those moments spent with him. For me he was a great painter, great actor and a great director. I think in his life time he played his every role very well.

On his death anniverissary tomorrow i.e. on 9/08/2008, i pray to god for the peace of his soul up their in the heaven.

We all miss you Mr. Alok Roy.

Thanks dear spider, for your reminiscences. I cherish the times we all had together, beyond words...

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